Type for Illustration Blog

If you're a graphic designer, an illustrator or an enthusiast, this blog is for you.
I love beautifully combined type and illustration and here's where I'll share the fantastic examples I come across, along with my tips to help you make great matches of your own.

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AI and the Type Industry.

AI promises a major upheaval in typography, with designers finding themselves navigating both opportunities and challenges. How will it impact quality, design roles, and our use of type in the future?
4 February, 2024
1 min read
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Die Fläche: Art Nouveau from a new perspective

Die Fläche (The Surface) was a Vienna based periodical spanning 14 creative issues between 1902 and 1911. It's Art Nouveau wonders have been beautifully reproduced by the Letterform Archive.
30 October, 2023
2 min read
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7 Tips For Finding Fonts

Finding the right font for your project is often a convoluted and time consuming task – it should be more creative! Here are 7 simple tips for making the job easier.
19 September, 2023
4 min read
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Fonts For Cookbooks

Matching fonts to food is often nuanced and subjective, but it’s also creative and fun. Here are 13 example covers that expertly match type with illustration and why I think each works so well.
30 August, 2023
5 min read
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Why ‘Type for Illustration’?

If you're a graphic designer, an illustrator or an enthusiast, this blog is for you. I love beautifully combined type and illustration and here’s where I’ll share examples I come across, along with my tips to help you make great matches of your own.
18 August, 2023
3 min read
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Hello, Type for Illustration. Goodbye Type Worship

If you’re one of the 220,000+ Type Worship followers on Tumblr, or a regular visitor over the last 12 years, you might be wondering what on earth is going on. Well, here I’ll explain all, and I'll also let you in on a little secret… …
14 August, 2023
4 min read

Download them from Adobe Fonts, I Love Typography & MyFonts. 

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Contact me to buy my fonts directly or use them free with an Adobe subscription, or licence them from a reputable foundry partner.


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© 2015-2024 Jamie Clarke Type LTD and contributors | The Hive, Bristol, BS39 4JJ, United Kingdom